Five weeks later and I finally get time to sit down and write. Oy. Well between CBU and my classes at Geek University, I've barely had time to breathe. Hopefully, this series will be done my next week. Hopefully.
WARNING! A VIRUS HAS BEEN DETECTED! Do you know why a virus has been detected, dear reader? It's because you're an idiot. Well, you aren't, but whoever got that virus probably is.
WARNING! A VIRUS HAS BEEN DETECTED! Do you know why a virus has been detected, dear reader? It's because you're an idiot. Well, you aren't, but whoever got that virus probably is.
One of the biggest arguments against PCs in the Windows v. Mac debate is the ungodly amount of viruses that Windows can pick up. Mac users just don't seem to have that problem (actually, they do, but we will save that for another time). Over one million computer viruses currently exist; thankfully, only a small percentage of that total is in any manner of wide circulation.
Computers get infected with viruses when they are introduced to an infectious environment. In layman's terms, this means a computer will only get infected if it is the position to get infected (e.g. a computer will not randomly infect itself through some freak code mutation- and if it did I would promptly lose all faith in humanity). The most common methods of infection are through malicious e-mail attachments (infected files run on your computer when you open the attachment), poisoned webpages (your browser can become hijacked) and spiked peripherals (a USB flash drive with an infectious file, for example).
The reason that people who get viruses are idiots are because of the methods of infection I just listed. 99 percent of the time, a computer must have input manually fed to it in order to become infected (or do just about anything else, for that matter). A computer puts out what is put into it. That fake message from Aunt Tille that actually holds the Vundo trojan? Your fault for clicking on it. The poisoned porn webpage you visted last week? Your fault for going there. The infectious flash drive you put in your USB port? Well, somone had to put it there, didn't they?
Granted, there are exceptions for every rule, but for the most part, it is the users fault that the system has become infected. Now, I'm not trying to be rude. Few sane people intentionally infect themselves, so don't take the last 100 words as a slam. Hackers and virus writers are a slippery folk, and they're very good at preying on the weakness of uninitiated computer users. Having said that, this blog is all about removing the 'un-' suffix from that qualifier, so let's un-unitiate you, yes?
Computer threats used to consist of viruses (and the occasional cup of coffee). Today, in addition to viruses, the computing world is filled with worms, trojans, bots, rootkits, malware programs... the list never ends. For the most part, these threats tend to be very specific in the damage they can do to your system. The two general categories that most security professionals use to classify computer threats are 'viruses' and 'malware programs'.
The difference is relatively simple. Viruses are simply bits of executable code ('executable code' being information your computer reads and responds to. Ish) that are designed to run and perform actions outside of normal operating parameters. Malware is an entirely different beast. A mash of 'malicious software', malware is any computer program that is designed to operate in a malicious manner (real creative nomenclature, I know. Computer geeks aren't poets). Words like 'adware' and 'spyware' are tossed around in a threatening manner to scare naïve computer users, kinda like how Glen Beck and Bill O'Reilly open their mouths for the sole purpose of frightening East Coast mothers and impressionable college students. Those are example of malware. A lot of malware programs are designed display unwanted pop-up advertisements on infected computer screens, or track a users spending and surfing habits; other malware programs are built to trick web surfers into thinking their computer is infected and to buy a fake cleaning product. These are known as rogue anti-malware programs. A large list of these fake products can be found here.
Surfing safely really boils down to a few basic rules: Stay protected and know where you're going. Running a strong set of protection programs is essentially; I've included a list of my personal preferences that I suggest to users asking for help at my forum. Any links or attachments that look suspicious, or emails from unrecognized senders, should just be avoided. Satisfying your curiosity isn't worth an infection.
I've included a list of sites that will give you a good knowledge base regarding safe computing practices. Of course, if you ever have any questions about anything: ask. The internet is full of wonderful communities run by people (like myself) that volunteer time and effort to help those who have questions. Having said that, on with the linkage!
- Anti-Virus- Having an up-to-date anti-virus program is crucial. Make sure you update it often and run regular scans (at least once a week). A good anti-virus program will also actively scan for malicious files on your system. Here are a few free anti-virus programs I recommend:
- AVG Free- I personally use AVG Free, and it has given me no problems. It consumes little system resources and offers automatic updating. It also works with your web browser to display a safety ranking on your Google searches, helping you to avoid blindly walking into an unknown domain.
- Avast! Antivirus- Avast! is a consistenly-chosen free anti-virus program. It runs almost silently in the background without causing any disruptions, and is the only free anti-virus program that offers boot scan options.
- NOTE: Please do not install more than one anti-virus product. Doing so can slow down your system, cause program conflicts and actually leave your computer more vulnerable to infection.
- Anti-Malware- Anti-malware programs come in all shapes and sizes, from passive, on-demand programs to real-time scanners that function in a manner similar to your anti-virus program. Here are a few anti-malware programs I recommend:
- Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (MBAM)- MBAM is a free program that offers excellent detection and removal rates for free. The paid version offers real-time scanning and protection.
- SUPERAntiSpyware- Another excellent free program that, despite the rogue-sounding name, offers impressive results.
- SpywareGuard & SpywareBlaster- Two anti-malware products built by Javacool. Designed to run side-by-side, these programs offer excellent scanning and detection abilities that will prevent the installation of most malware programs.
- Firewall- A firewall prevent malicous attacks and hackers from invading your system; not having an active firewall program running on your system leaves you open to a possible invasive threat. Here are a few free firewall programs I recommend:
- Comodo Firewall- Comodo is recommended by most security professionals as the most effective free firewall program available. It boasts impressive performance and an easy-to-use interface. Be aware that when downloading Comodo you are downloading the entire Comodo Internet Security Suite, which includes a firewall and an anti-virus program. If you want to use the Comodo AV, make sure you disable and uninstall any other anti-virus programs on your computer.
- Sunbelt-Kerio- Offers good inbound and outbound firewall protection.
- NOTE: Please do not install more than one firewall product. Doing so can slow down your system, cause program conflicts and actually leave your computer more vulnerable to infection.
- Browser- Internet Explorer, the deault internet browser that comes pre-installed with Windows, is very vulnerable to hackers and attackers, even with extra security settings. I recommend switching to an alternative browser such as one of these:
- Firefox- Firefox is the most common alternative web browser. It boasts advanced security features, a host of additional add-ons and downloads, and a wide variety of customization options.
- Google Chrome- Chrome is a lightweight browser built by the makers of the most powerful search engine in the world. While it doesn't have all the neat add-ons and extensions that Firefix boats, it's quick, speedy and powerful. Unfortunately, the engine it uses isn't always compatible with older webpages, meaning Chrome might display some pages improperly.
- Opera- Another alternative browser, Opera is popular among power users for its abilities to, among other things, host private file-sharing sites (imagine being able to access your hard drive from anywhere in the world with an internet connection- for free).
- MVPS Hosts File- This download replaces your current HOSTS file with one containing well-known ad sites and other bad pages. Basically, this prevents your computer from connecting to those sites by redirecting them to, which is your local computer, which makes it more difficult to infect yourself in the future.
- Tony Klein's 'How Did I Get Infected'- This Geeks to Go article gives a brief overview of how to prevent virus and malware infections. It's a must-read for anyone surfing the internet. This article also provides some great information for web-surfing novices.
'Keep it Safe is part four in a seven-part series discussing computer performance and maintenance.
Easy to understand, very informational but not written in a condescending manner. I learned alot, but still need my computer kid for checkups!